Tuesday, October 30, 2007

You Will laugh your Yakoff!

Yakoff Shmearanov Was a guest speaker at my school today.

He cried during his speech... and also led an extraordinary life.... Weird. I always thought he was just a comedian.

Anyways, Here is a beautiful story!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

a show A SHOW!

Well the costume show did not happen like I had planned in my mind.

The show however went over very well. The small fish guys want us back once a week(which I do not plan on doing) for a show. They were super excited. Come to think of it everyone there was super excited. I played two songs by my lonesome, at my mothers request haha, The first was a cover of a cover "Oh sister!" by bob Dylan redone on violin by Andrew Bird. The second was one of my own songs. It was written about ants. I have yet to put the words to it.

All the songs with the full band rocked.

When Brian did "Moonshiner" the guys dimmed the lights. hahahaha
I am excited to play more shows. It was fun to have a show that I am not sad about.

anyways I was supposed to be a vampire, so was Amy.

But since we did not have time for anyone else we did not.

It will be soon and everyone should wear costumes!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Bad week

Oink is gone.

T.V. Liks is gone.

both arrested.

Stupid Brits.

However, the Krew is hanging in the room again.
It feels just like old times.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Kazoos can sound terrorizing

If you know how to use them.

Screeming DINOSAURS into them just makes everyone's day better.

I think I am going crazy

Monday, October 8, 2007


So I got shocked today.

I was plugging in my laptop and It popped and shocked me.
It did not hurt at all, which is weird because usually people feel like they got kicked in the chest by a horse afterwards, However, all it did was make my finger feel funny. Guess I am super lucky.

I got all my application stuff done for UCA.
With a little luck I will have super cheap-free college.

For this I am pumped.
Even if I do only stay there for two years.

I am planing on transferring to another college afterwards.
I am majoring in Drama/theatrics there then going to school ether in Canada for film, or soon I will be talking to Brush about Acting college and hopefully, with International thespians and national Forensics league behind me. I will be able to go to a sweet college for not very much.

I am still writing songs.
I am still considering music as a future for me.
Also My SAT score should be of some use to me.
Because I am fairly sure I kicked that thing's ass.

How can I not be me.

Beirut's new CD rocks.
I want to be Zach Condon so bad.

He was in this crazy dream I had last night.
So were lots of other people.
It was very crazy and long.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Good god. I need sleep.

So much talking. I will read, study.....Dear god......Then sleep.

I am SUPER EXCITED about bodily functions right now. The thought of sleep is making me giddy as a schoolgirl, as for this pressure my Balder is exerting on the rest of me; I will be pumped to relieve you my friend.

Twerp = A kid who puts false teeth up his butt and bites holes in the seats of taxi cabs.

One two three o'clock four o'clock rock

It seems I am coming out with quite a bit of things laity.

I am pumped for so much.

Plays, Music, School, Girl.

just pretty much whatever.

Though there is an ominous cloud looming overhead. I am quite sure It will all work out though. I mean I am a crafty individual. I know my way around the world. I may have a young body, but it is a very old sole I have

Monday, October 1, 2007


I am a monkey in the jungle book.

I think it suits me!

I don't think people should ever beat around the bush with how they feel. It always ends up poorly. I mean you should never be afraid to show how you are. Right?

I am terribly terribly upset with someone right now. I cant believe that she could be this careless. It is just so ridiculous. It all could be fixed so easy. If only she would just be honest to everyone.

dumb dumb dumb.
I don't feel like being nice anymore.
I think she understands.